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Calendar+ Schedule Planner Мод APK 1.09.66 [Полный]
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Calendar+ Schedule Planner Мод APK Info
Описание Calendar+ Schedule Planner
Calendar+ is an easy to use professional schedule planner that helps manage business events and personal appointments in one app.
Customize your schedule in one app. Calendar+ syncs with Google calendar, Outlook Calendar, Exchange etc. automatically and gives you a perfect overview of your events. Calendar+ provides you with personalized views and highly customizable options to suit your need.
Calendar+ also provides beautiful home widgets. Be a productivity ninja and never miss important events or appointments again with Calendar+.
▪ Modern and sleek user interface for 6 views including day view, week view, month view, custom view, agenda view and year view.
▪ User tailored custom view from 2 days to 4 weeks.
▪ Intuitive user interface to add a new event.
▪ Copy, cut, and paste action support for existing events.
▪ Provides popup view for event overview and planning.
▪ Event title auto completion.
▪ Event search support.
▪ Easy and intuitive event invitation.
▪ Support for default notifications for all-day and timed events.
▪ Support for recurrent rules.
▪ Quick add support to add new events on the go.
▪ Seamless synchronization with Google calendar, Outlook etc. using the Android calendar synchronization.
▪ Home time zone support for traveling.
▪ Beautiful event presentation with highly customizable word-wrapping options and user tailored view options.
▪ Supports a variety of event drawing options for views and widgets including event text color, word-wrapping and various drawing options.
▪ Support for light, dark and system default themes.
▪ Provides 50+ free themes for week and month widgets.
▪ Provides various widget sizes for different use cases.
▪ Sends notifications with a pop-up, sound and vibration so you'll never miss your appointments.
▪ Supports default notifications for new events
▪ Supports default snooze delay.
▪ Provides intuitive snooze delay popup to set the delay when the notification goes off.
▪ Provides week, month, agenda, and today calendar widgets for your phone or tablet's home screen.
▪ Professional home calendar widget features with 50+ free themes, color combinations, tap action and more.
▪ Provides perfect event overview with word-wrapping, a variety of event drawing options and color combinations.
▪ Easy and intuitive event popup view by tap action
▪ Modern and sleek widget design including premium only themes.
▪ Calendar+ is perfect for a business calendar, personal calendar or office event scheduling planner.
▪ Calendar+ even supports external event editing for professional users familiar with other calendar apps.
▪ Calendar+ provides various kinds of widgets compatible with other calendar apps and launchers.
Premium Features
▪ No ads
▪ Custom on time snooze delay
▪ Advanced drawing options including allday event text color, timed-event text color, event drawing shape, and more.
▪. Professional widget themes such as Modern, Darkness, and Translucent.
▪. Professional widget options such as weekend filtering, multi-week highlight, tap actions and more.
Calendar+ Schedule Planner Мод FAQ
Что насчет Calendar+ Schedule Planner Мод ?
Calendar+ Schedule Planner есть Productivity Программы Разработано Joshua Amp Company Inc. Этот мод загружен пользователями приложения HappyMod. Особенность мода в этом моде:: Full Version.
Как я могу скачать Calendar+ Schedule Planner Мод?
Вам нужно нажать кнопку загрузки на страницу загрузки, после чего вы скачаете Calendar+ Schedule Planner напрямую. Если вы загрузили приложение HappyMod, все в порядке. Вам необходимо установить приложение HappyMod, а затем нажать кнопку загрузки на странице загрузки. Приложение, которое вы хотите загрузить, будет отображаться в приложении HappyMod.
Как насчет скорости загрузки?
Скорость загрузки в HappyModpro действительно высокая. Скорость загрузки в приложении HappyMod выше. Сначала вы можете загрузить приложение HappyMod на главной странице.
Есть Calendar+ Schedule Planner Безопасный мод?
Calendar+ Schedule Planner Мод на 100% безопасен. Этот мод был загружен пользователями. Он был протестирован и проверен редактором. Затем мы будем использовать все типы антивирусного программного обеспечения для сканирования файла. Вы не должны беспокоиться о безопасности Calendar+ Schedule Planner Мод.
Почему не удается установить Calendar+ Schedule Planner Мод?
Во-первых, вы должны удалить исходную версию Calendar+ Schedule Planner Приложение, подпись будет конфликтовать с версией мода. Затем вы должны разрешить установку неизвестного ресурса на ваши устройства Android.
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